
All day traditional Lebanese cuisine in a charming house & garden

What started off as a regional food festival in 2007 highlighting local traditions, produces and cuisine – known as Souk el Tayeb – soon developed into Tawlet – the farmers’ kitchen in 2009.

Tawlet offers you a buffet experience of various dishes to discover new flavours and tastes, directly from the hands of their amazing cooks where each day a local chef from a certain area in Lebanon shares their story and the authenticity of their area through delicious food from that region.  As the first Tawlet opened in Mar Mikhael, the first guest house with restaurant opened in Douma, followed by Ammiq, Deir el Qamar, Saida, and Hamra.


  • Phone: 01.448129
  • Website: Yes
  • Social Media: Facebook
  • Address: Mar Mikhael, Beirut

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